I’m Jose Mieses, a frontend developer from the Dominican Republic. At the beginning of my career I started learning Networking at a community college. But , Around November 2018 I decided to study html and css on my own. I read Html and Css by Jon Duckett, watched some videos on YouTube, and more. Later on I started to learn Javascript because it was something that intrigued me. I have learned so many things about Javascript and my main goal is to become a Full-Stack Developer.
My ResumeTechnology stack
- Html
- Css
- Sass
- Webpack
- JQuery
- Ajax
- Git
- Javascript
- React Js
- Redux
Tus Movies Library
This is a Movie library built with React Js and Redux which manage the state of the entire project. It provides thousands of movies base on their genre, also it displays a list of most popular, most rated and upcoming movies. When you click on a movie, it will show more details about that specific movie and if that movie has a trailer, you watch it as well. You can also search for an specific movie.
Visit GithubBeyond Sport Academy
A non-profit business that help those who play baseball in different country specially in The Dominica Republic. Thoughout donation, Beyond Sport Acadamy (BESA) will help players to study and play baseball in The United State. It provide English classes, college preparation and baseball trainings
Visit Github